Sunday, January 22, 2012

Flash Back

So I was going through some of my old photos, and I came across a couple pictures of my first DJ gig in Arizona. I had just bought all new equipment- speakers, amp, lights, mixer, everything. And so of course I wanted to test it out. At the time I was living with a bunch of other room mates in a house that was the first built in a small neighborhood so we had zero neighbors. It was quickly decided that our house would become the inaugural site to break in the new equipment. We simply set up the equipment in the back of the garage, opened the garage door and thought we had a pretty good sized dance floor. Mass text messages were sent out and we got ready to party. It did not take long before we had the party of the year going. There was an easy 300-400 people there. Our dance floor extended out from the garage, to the drive way, to the street, and all around. It was a good thing we didn't have any neighbors! And even though we didn't, we still managed to get the cops called who showed up around midnight with a whole patrol! There were 3 cop cars, about 4-5 officers AND a helicopter. We were lucky that when they left, all we got was a written warning. But it made quite a story to my first DJ gig in Arizona!

Taylor Cotter
Disc Jockey

Save This Dance
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